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Final Policies - Therapy

Policy # Policy Title Print View
MP-015 Sympathetic Therapy and Bioelectrical Nerve Block or Electroanalgesic Nerve Block for the Treatment of Pain
MP-019 COPES Scoliosis Treatment Recovery System
MP-028 Extracorporeal Photopheresis
MP-037 Monochromatic Infrared Energy System
MP-086 Treatment of Hyperhidrosis (Excluding Botox)
MP-100 Plasma Exchange (Plasmapheresis)
MP-103 Lipid Apheresis
MP-139 Sensory Stimulation for Brain-Injured Individuals in Coma or Vegetative State
MP-154 Manipulation under Anesthesia for Treatment of Chronic Spinal or Pelvic Pain
MP-188 Constraint-Induced Movement or Language Therapy
MP-240 Spinal Manipulation of Non-Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions
MP-270 Low-Level Laser Therapy
MP-333 Sensory Integration Therapy and Auditory Integration Therapy
MP-427 Hippotherapy
MP-440 Inhaled Nitric Oxide
MP-484 Vertebral Axial Decompression
MP-600 Cognitive Rehabilitation
MP-749 Dry Hydrotherapy for Chronic Pain Conditions
MP-763 High Intensity Laser Therapy for Chronic Pain Conditions